10/27/21 @8:00 CST Free Live Event a 45 min introduction


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10/27/2921 @ 8:00 pm CST
Free 45 min introduction to My upcoming 4 week workshop: Illuminating & Transmuting That Which Is Holding You Hostage In Your Life. Workshop price is $40.00…for the whole workshop. The introduction is Free….
Tentatively to start 11/02/2021 @8:00pm CST runs every Tuesday evening for 4 weeks last through last event 11/23/2021…
To Sign up let me know you are interested
through my contact button… Say I am interested and leave your email.
I will get you signed up from there.. or comment on live event on FB press messenger to leave me your email address there…
Either way…I would love to hear from you… All spammers will be ignored…and deleted…
Reãudan, Lady Of Love And Light

The Power Of Thoughts

The Power Of Thoughts
by Reãudan, Lady Of Love And Light/ Roberta Lowery

When contemplating this subject The Power Of Thoughts it is important that you know this: The point of power is always in the present moment.
To fully comprehend this you must undersand this: that the past is just that, past. Over and done with, unless, that is, you keep holding on to it.
If you persist to live in the past, instead of the present, then you give power to it… What you focus on, think about, persists.
In other words, if you are going to keep giving energy, by way of your thoughts, to what this person did to you, or on a specific situation, or event that impacted you negatively, with an unwanted outcome, guess what? You are going to attract more of the same.
If you refuse to see, realize or learn, take in the information, then, by all means, go ahead and continue to live your life in your present state, and way of being, perpetuating the same energy over and over again… Same story different page…
Or you can Empower yourself by your willingness to let go of the past, and move into your future, by living in the present moment. Moving forward, by utilizing the lessons of the past, to be just that, lessons, and utilize the wisdom, the knowledge of this learning, to propel you forwards, by accentuating upon successful, and positive outcomes, and building upon them. Allowing them to become your strength’s impacting, that which you can change, which is your future. Always be aware that you can not change the past. It is over and done with. What you can change is the negative influences, and or impact, it has had on you by utilizing the knowledge gained in a positive productive manner to create your future.
When you free yourself from the past, you take your power back, so you can begin to be free in this very moment the present… and every moment going forwards.
Therefore free to create what you truly want. That which you truly desire, free from past limitations. Which by the way is what negative thought patterns are, they are self-limiting and therefore self-sabotaging based on fears, negative experiences, and outcomes, traumatic, painful, emotional, psychological, and physical experiences All of which you have been not only holding in your conscious mind but in your subconscious mind, as well, in your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies on a deep cellular and energetic level.
When you give thought to something you begin the process of attracting or drawing the essence of that something into your life…
What most have not grasped yet is that everything is vibration/energy and that what defines something is its vibrational/energetic pattern.
And once you begin to have an understanding of this you begin to realize that everything you perceive is Vibration and that the life you are living is your Vibrational interpretation.
Once you absorb this knowledge, this realization allows you to begin to understand that you came into this physical plain of existence that we call earth as a physical extension of Source Energy and are part of all that is. As such we are in a constant state of expansion.
So my friends I have given you food for thought. Now it is time for change. Are you ready for a change? Are you ready to set into motion the manifestation of your hopes and dreams. I know I am. Keep in mind that this is not going to just happen over night because like any new skill it takes practice, effort…. action.
But it could happen just like magic, it could. After all magic is the ability to manifest, to create what you desire… And yes Manifestation can be instantaneous… once you Master The Practice Of Manifestation. And that in it self is Magic… Magic Is Instantaneous Manifestation
Isn’t it time to bring about magic in your life… after all you are the creator of your own story so be the Magician, the Alchemist.

Get Ready and Expect Infinite Magical Possibilities…
Remember This: You Deserve and you are Worthy, and that the only thing holding you back is you, and your fears.
The fear of that which is unknown. This fear of the unknown can be greater than that, which is known. Too many people let that fear become paralyzing, and choose to stay in their miserable, painful, traumatic situations. Their own, self created trap, instead of taking a leap of faith, and freeing them self of their past, their self limiting, self doubting, self sabotaging, negative thought patterns and fears instead of stepping or diving into the future.

Their future. A Magical Future filled with infinite possibility…
Trust in the Process and Allow… Allow that which your old way of being, your old thought patterns perceived to be impossible become Possible… Allow the Magic to flow to you, through you and into your life.
Start looking at those things that are holding you back, if you have not started doing so all ready.
It is now time to let go of the old way of being, thinking, doing and seeing, because let’s face it, there is allot that you are missing out on, due to the fact you are holding on too tightly to that which you have out grown…. and right now it is those things that are holding you back. Those things that you have or are realizing that, are not working out for you. They are no longer, or simply where never your truth. They didn’t fit, or you where not ever comfortable with, they didn’t resonate with you, you where not happy with dissatisfied, discontent with.
Perhaps something you were just settling for because you thought that what you really wanted was out of your reach, too hard to get, was going to take too long… What ever that was, you know in your heart, you still want it… It may have even been pushed so far back because you thought it was impossible… Nothing is really impossible you just have given up on it too soon.. You did not have the foresight to see it through or you exhausted all your resources so you just gave up on it…. but yet in the back of your mind your thoughts it still lingers…
As a wise, well known Dr. always asks: How’s that working out for you?….. It is not…
So I am asking you, to just look around, and see what is starting to fall away.. what is beginning to, or is breaking down in your life. That which is no longer working for you.
And things are breaking down not only in our lives but in the world around us… One has only to take a pause and just look around. The Old ways, our old ways of doing things just are not working…
We are being confronted with situations in our personal lives by things that are beginning to challenge our beliefs and our way of life to bring about those things that need to be brought to our attention. Those things we need to change.
That which is no longer tolerable, and that we can no longer ignore, as they have become detrimental to us and exhausting us.
What once we thought was acceptable behavior of our self, and or others is fast becoming unacceptable. It is leaving a bad taste in our mouth or just down right making us sick or for some killing us..
We are being challenged by others and we are challenging others and standing up for what we believe to be true for us… And we are either seeing that our beliefs hold up or, that they do not, coming to the undeniable truth that what we believed to be true is indeed not. Or that they are.
We are especially experiencing this in those things we have left up to time to tell…
How many times have you shrugged your shoulders and said oh well only time will tell… Well hello guess what? That Time is here. The great reveal, or the awakening, if you will, is happening right now… Most have heard or have said this statement, “something has got to give”. Well it has and is, right now.
We are seeing this happening right now…. And the only thing we can do right now, is control what we do in reaction and in action to this.. How we respond is vitally important.
Are you going to fear it, or run and hide, or set there in disbelief, or denial, or run blindly screaming and yelling into head on danger, and or do the blame game, which only makes you a victim not the victor.
Or you can do this instead, stop take a moment, regroup, focus, pay attention and think, or rethink this thing through, step by step. Looking at what is working and what is not. What is true, and what is not.
Accentuate the positive and do not harbor, perseverate on the negative and move forwards from there, out of this/a state of perpetuation… Which means inaction… acceptance of the status quo.
My friends I’m here to tell you are beyond extraordinary you just have not realized it yet. It’s time don’t you think
And this is the perfect time as we just had a full Moon on the 22nd which is about illuminating bringing to our attention, those things that are no longer serving us, so that we can let go of these things, people, jobs, circumstances, and situations. Time to free yourself, cut the cords in relationships, leave a job, or initiate change and begin to move in a new direction, out of that which is not fulfilling you or you have lost interest in or it has become to exhausting and or toxic, or burdensome for you…
Don’t you feel you are worthy or Deserving? If not it is time you ask your self why not? And really look at what makes you so undeserving… so unworthy…. because my friend their lies the key to your misery….
and the time to pick up that key and unlock the door to all that you deserve is now….
This is the perfect time to begin because the full Moon is bringing light to the situation your in now, to bring it to your attention, right now, so you can pick the key up, walk over to the door, and unlock it, and look at what opportunity or opportunities await you, so you can prepare for the next level of your journey, and start preparing yourself to make that next step, towards what it is you want, so that you can plant the seeds at the opportune moment of the approaching New Moon Energy. Which is the time of seed planting, so to bring into fruition what it is you want…
Readying for a change. Setting into motion. Manifesting. I hope I have planting these seeds with you today…
Reãudan, Lady Of Love And Light

Transformational Coaching Exercise by Reãudan

Transformational Coaching Exercise by Reaudan, Lady Of Love And Light/Roberta Lowery

The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to begin to see how the only thing stopping you are your thought patterns… What it is you believe to be true about yourself.. and explore where it is you picked up this belief… and if it is something that you truly believe about yourself or better still do you want to believe this about yourself… When you get down to the nitty-gritty…it becomes a sobering discovery that can impact and change your life.

So today we are going to look at that one thing that you are stressing over…

What issue, trigger, obstacle, are you facing right now.. be it with a person, situation or event.

So I am going to ask you to identify it.
Ask yourself What was it, and The How it made you feel questions.

Then think back to how it made you feel and write this down and later journal about it.

Then how is the way in which you reacted making you feel right now?

So if you want to get a pen and paper or a journal if you have one and if you’re not really into it then just take in the information because it’s gonna give you some food for thought. Remember you can always come back to this on the replay with your pen and paper/journal at a later time t so no worries. Also can checkout my Podcast titled KC Armstrong Interviews Reaudan Lady Of Love And Light by Meet The Elite Podcast
Aug 18, 2021, where I take you on an inner guided journey to feel into this.

We are going, to begin with, this question.
What is holding you back? The Answer to this is pure and simple. It is you. I say this because obstacles were meant to go around, over, through, or simply moved out of your way period. It is up to you as to whether you are going to let them stop you or not?

So with that said …When looking at this subject you have to begin by asking yourself what are you being held back from doing. TAKE A MOMENT…… What is it that you are being held back from? Once you realize, know the answer to that, then the next logical thing to do is make a list of those things that you see as holding you back.

Then take a look at those things. Make two lists. The 1st one will be of things you think you can change and 2nd those you can not change.

Next, look at each of these things and write down how you think you can change it, and on the other spectrum those that you do not think you can change then write down why it is that you do or do not think you can change these.

Then go back to that list and write down why you believe that.

From the answers to why you believe that you will have your list of strengths and weaknesses.

So the strengths you are going to optimize them by making them work for you. Putting them to work in achieving what you want…

That leaves your weaknesses.

You are going to focus on your weakness and what it is you believe about yourself in regards to this weakness or inability.

The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to begin to see how the only thing stopping you are your thought patterns… What it is you believe to be true about yourself.. and explore where it is you picked up this belief… and if it is something that you truly believe about yourself or better still do you want to believe this about yourself… When you get down to the nitty-gritty…it becomes a sobering discovery that can impact and change your life. This process and others like it are so important in getting you to this point of discovery so that you can transform this self-limiting, self-sabotaging, negative thinking and transmute the build-up of energy that is an accumulation of feelings, memories, experiences, thoughts, and or statements that have been reinforced by you through what you have told your self over and over again or that you have heard from sources outside yourself that have influenced your life…. be it from parents, siblings, friends, other family members, teachers, neighbors, news, Tv films, documentaries, social media all form of media written, audio and or video… These are all influencers .and have played a major role in reinforcing these Beliefs about why you can not…

What most people do not understand is this, we are all like sponges absorbing everything that we have been exposed to throughout our lives from the moment we are born.

Our mind is busy like a recorder recording every single thing we come across, every little thing and detail, from there it analyzes, compartmentalizes, categorizes, stores if files it, computes and interprets it… based on how you experienced it and the information you gathered about it… This computing is how your mind has analyzed, rationalized, stored, and filed your experiences… and this becomes your map of reality specific to you and your interpretation based on information and experiences you have had thus far… All these things are impressions, imprints that formulate a story a picture about yourself, your environment and the world around you, and the universe…

So part of this process is taking a look at when, and where these thought patterns, beliefs, formed and are they true for you? Do you really believe them to be your truth? And if they are not, let’s as I like to say, hit clear, alt, and delete, and look at it in a different way. One which, will bring a successful outcome for you, and impact your life in a positive productive light… Now with that said it is important that you know it is not going to be instantaneous but it can be… It is like playing a sport, some will have a natural ability, and others will have to develop it by practice, practice, practice, by trying on a new way of being in your life…

Another thing we tend not to realize is that there are infinite possibilities and with the right mindset thought patterns anything is possible… we are only limited by our thoughts and our beliefs based on our exposure and experiences…

So my friends you got work to do…

Get you a journal or voice recorder or on video whichever you prefer. Ask yourself the above questions, make your lists. Dissect what is on your list I recommend doing this via journaling… And look back on who or what was your influencer…..

And from there we will begin to deconstruct and reconstruct these beliefs and our Thought patterns…

The reason this is so important is that our thoughts are so powerful, more powerful than we ever realized…

So Important takeaways

What you keep thinking about persist…

If you are perseverating going over and over in your mind about let’s say something your stressing out about or worrying about in a negative manner guess what you are giving energy to this in a negative manner and fearing worrying about something is like a big magnet attracting more of this type of energy to the situation the equation…Think about it….what was the last thing you worried about…how did you feel in your physical body, your mind, your emotions, and your overall outlook impacting your overall energy… Boy for me the last thing was a doozie…… I was so stressed out, exhausted, irritable, and highly reactive, and not in a nice way, my neck and shoulders were in knots and my heart was heavy I was Anxious and worried and kept going over and over in my mind getting very little sleep, I wasn’t hungry but I kept in my head wanting something to eat and didn’t know what. This persisted Until it didn’t. Until I decided to stop and utilize all the tools at my disposal. But first I had to decide to take a brief time out and pause, consciously choosing to stop, breathe, focus and stop the madness… By hitting pause, clear, alt, and delete. By looking at what was triggering my stress, I saw what was up for me. What self-limiting, self-sabotaging, negative thought patterns were up for me right now.

Here I have to say we as human beings have many layers and layers and layers of what is called the proverbial onion to get through when we start delving into our stuff… And our stuff will keep surfacing, so to come to our attention until we get to the core of it the heart of it… It (our stuff) rears its ugly head in the form of upheaval, conflict, and obstacles so to bring to our attention that there are wounds old and new brought about by our beliefs and our actions and reactions to the stuff that has happened to us throughout the course of our life…. some of which keep repeating themself and show up as patterns…

For instance, In relationships, you keep drawing the same kind of people to you… Same story different page or chapter until you realize it and then like a story you can edit it and change it… So that is what the coaching I do with people is all about and I call it Transformational Coaching.

So are you ready to get started… You’re challenge, your mission if you choose to do so is to Get Down To It!

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